Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Town

My friends Trish and Darren and Owen and Finn gave me a kit to make snow globes as an early Christmas gift.

Here are some photos of the clay models before I put them in the dome.

Here they are with the dome and glitter. Complete! It was very fun and easy, except some of the models fell off when I put them into the dome. I noticed that I needed a platform to make them stick.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dolpins and Mermaids

I made this sculpture for my friend Trish. I got the idea to have a mermaid ride a dolphin from a picture book. I thought that it would be fun to post it so everyone can see it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Unicorns are real

After I noticed I could make my Unicorns stand up, I made this one.  I hope you enjoy these as well.